Tuesday, August 17, 2010

36 weeks!!!

36 weeks today (who ever said pregnancy was 9 months was playing a cruel joke on pregnant women, because today I am 9 months and not going into labor yet!) I am so excited for my baby girls arrival into the world so very soon. Dr. Bennett says I have at least 1 more week to go, but I am still 4 weeks away from my due date so we shall see what happens :) The anticipation makes it difficult to focus on much else besides baby stuff.

Over the weekend I got Lils clothes and blankets washed and ready for her and figured out what I still need to get. I am going with Seventh Generation diapers for now, I really hope they work out well. They aren't really any more expensive than the regular brands but they are chlorine and bleach free as well as eco-friendly.

Dad is setting up her crib this week and her crib set should be arriving any day as well.

Also I am getting close to finishing the quilt, it has taken me way too long. I get distracted and tired very easily so only a little gets done each time I work on it. The front part is all done, I just need to do the back and it will be good to go.

For all of my prego friends out there...check out Hypnobirthing, it is an amazing book. I am only about half way through it but it lays out everything and explains how our bodies are built for birthing children and how society has turned this wonderful and beautiful process into an illness that ends in "pain" but it doesn't have to be that way. Trust in your body, and things will go as they should!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, I love blogging! Our blog is http://leviandelizabethfergus.blogspot.com. I'm so glad you're liking the Hypnobirthing book, it is truly amazing and for me it totally relaxed my nerves about the whole labor & delivery process. People gave me the weirdest looks when I mentioned the book though lol, oh well their loss!
